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Wolfestein: Enemy Territory

Last post 01-18-2005 10:59 PM by Gojira. 0 replies.
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  • 01-18-2005 10:59 PM

    • Gojira
    • Top 10 Contributor
    • Joined on 07-16-2004
    • Usually spotted going to and from Tokyo Bay...
    • Posts 712

    Wolfestein: Enemy Territory

    So, I found this one day as I was searching for info on the next Wolfenstein, and while it isn't a sequel to the Xbox version, or the PC version, it's a mod of said PC's RTCW.

    Essentially, take EVERYTHING that was so fucking fantastic about RTCW's multiplayer on XBOX LIVE, ADD an experience ladder for more abilities, different classes and abilities for said classes, HUGE multi-tiered mission maps, and you've got this game.

    Graphics: While they're not great by any standards, it doesn't take much to run this on your PC. Regular old RTCW graphics, with a few bumpmapping improvements.

    Gameplay: This is where the people who came up with this should get medals...There's a campaign mode, where you select what maps (of which there are SO many, including custom-made lvls) to play on, and in what order. You can then throw up your own little description of the campaign, etc. Then, once you actually get into the gameplay, this one beats the living piss out of the Xbox RTCW online...

    First, you've got the classes of player. Soldiers, your heavy weaps specialists (flamethrowers, panzers, MG-42 mobile assault machine gun: similar to the mounted guns, but handheld, panzerfaust) who are your basic grunts. Next you've got the Medics, which perform exactly as they did on LIVE. Then, you have Field Ops, which are the Lieutenants, suppliers of ammo, and bringers of napalmy death from above. Engineers follow, who now have a couple very nifty additions. The first, is the ability to place mines, in the same fashion as you plant dynamite, only you can't see them until someone flags them for you, which I'll get to in a minute. Next you have the new gun option for the engi, a rifle with an attachment that shoots grenades on a 1-second timer... Devil Last but DEFINITELY not least, you have the Covert Ops. This guy is my favorite, as I'll tell you why in a sec. This class relies on stealth to do some really nifty things. First, these are your snipers [8o|] You get the choice between the Garande (silenced rifle, similar to the Mauser), the Paratrooper rifle (automatic sniper rifle, which fasters like a powerful machine gun when unscoped, and about 2 shots every 3 seconds when scoped), and the ever not-so-popular Sten (same as LIVE's). CovertOps also have the ability of disguising themselves as a fallen soldier of the other team. Just kill an enemy (completely, so long as they're not gibbed), stand over them, and swap uniforms. At distance, if an enemy targets you, your name will appear as that of the person who's uniform you took, but up close, the disguise will not work at all. You can use this to use the enemy teams doors into their bunkers etc, and also to trick enemies, and then shoot them in the back Devil. The other nice ability of the Covert Ops, is to see those mines that the engineers can place, flag them on their teams map, and even shoot them to blow them up if he chooses to.

    As far as the missions go, take the Stopwatch/Objective missions from Live's version, add about twice the number of objectives, and 3 or 4 more ways to get to them.
    For example: Step 1: Repair Tank
    Step 2: Escort tank through enemy fire (you can man the turret on top of the tank, but you're an easily sniped target at that point)
    Step 3: Watch tank blow the shit out of a wall
    Step 4: Proceed through wall, grabbing hold of spawn points, and materials
    Step 5: Build a ramp up and over an embankment into the enemy base
    Step 6: Escape with plans ALL THE WAY BACK to where you started the mission.

    Most can be summed up like that, but some are longer and more detailed, yet NONE of them drag, feel like you're not making any progress or anything like that.

    The next pretty awesome feature is the experience system. Basically you're awarded points for completing certain class-related objectives. Example: Covert Ops is awarded 10 XP points (apprx) for disguising themselves as an enemy, engineers are awarded points for fixing tanks, gun emplacements, or for planting dynamite, or building ramps, bridges, etc. After you gain enough experince, you "unlock" certain bonuses for that class. Covert Ops after a while get more ammo on spawn, then get slightly better accuracy with scoped weapons, etc.

    There's SO much detail in this game, I could fill up the max amount of typing room you're allotted in here, so I'll post the link now, and you all can check it out if you'd like.

    Also, I know a lot of you don't like the PC games because online you don't have the whole chat system like LIVE built in, but Teamspeak and a few other programs work beautifully.

    I think that any of you who loved Wolfenstein as much as I did should check this out, and give it a shot. I'm playing this like crazy now, have downloaded SO many custom maps, and am just having a blast, it'd be awesome to see a few of you all on there, and maybe even get some of us back together again.
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