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BLS Christmas Open - Official Rules and Details

What: A Rainbow Six Vegas 2v2 Team Survival Tournament

When: Dec 23 at 1:30pm EST

Where: Xbox Live

Who: This tournament is open to everyone. Up to 16 Teams of two (If we fill up I will keep a list of alternates to fill in the spots for no shows). You need to free from 1:30pm to at least 6:30pm the day of the tournament. At least one of the team members should be able to host a four player match.

How it works: This will be a single elimination tournament with matches played back to back. You will be assigned a team to play against for the first round with the winner going on to play in the next round. All match ups will be assigned prior to the start of the tournament. No shows will be eliminated but if a team can play shorthanded or they can forfeit. Each time must have one member that is the Team Leader.

Each Session will be three maps. Map and spawns will be assigned by the tournament organizer to speed up the process. To win a session you must win two of the three maps. Each map will consist of three winning rounds. To win a round you must eliminate the other team. If there is a draw play the round again. Each session has an end time and the team that is ahead at that time is the winner. If the teams are tied at that time a coin toss will determine the winner.

A tournament lobby will be setup for team leaders to meet up before matches and to report results. The lobby will be hosted by Gamertag Carsinigin. I will restart the lobby as needed due to voice glitches. Team leaders need to make sure that they are on Carsinigin's friends list before the tournament starts. Click Here to add Carsinigin to your friends list.

Tournament Schedule:
All times are Eastern Standard Time


1:30pm Team leaders should be in tournament lobby. The second player on the team should be standing by. Organizers will let the team leader know who he is playing against and the maps and spawns. We will start matches as soon as both teams are ready. If the room is full send a text message though Xbox live so we know you showed up on time. An invite will be sent when there is room.
1:45pm Official start of Round 1. No Shows are eliminated at this time.
2:45pm End of Round 1. All round 1 matches must stop and report results.
3:00pm Start of Round 2. Teams can start earlier if both teams are ready.
4:00pm End of Round 2.
4:15pm Start of Round 3.
5:15pm End of Round 3
5:30pm Start of Championship match. This goes until there is a clear winner.

Matches for any round can start before the designated time but the round will end according to the schedule above. Both team leaders should report the results of the match and record the number of wins on each map.

 Server Settings

Game Mode: Team Survival
Game Type: Player Match
Item Restrictions:  No Restrictions
Dedicated Server: NO
Allow Voice: Alive Only

Round Duration: 5 Minutes
Rounds Per Match: 20  (Set this high so it doesn't auto map change on you)
Time Between Rounds:  Unlimited
Team Respawn: No
Lock Teams: No
Friendly Fire: Yes
Punish Team Killers: No
Briefing Timer: 5 Seconds


Rules are subject to change.  Any changes will be at:


You can sign up in the BLS Forums.

Published Dec 14 2006, 01:58 PM by Carsinigin
Filed under:



Frobro said:

I would love to play in it, But i have to work at 7am that day, then im off to my gmas for x-mas :(

December 14, 2006 1:30 PM
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