
Black Label Suicides

360 issues

Last post 03-06-2006 8:21 PM by MmCark. 2 replies.
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  • 03-05-2006 5:36 PM

    360 issues

    I got the 360 Xbl working, but now that ive transeferred the account to it, it wont let me sign into halo, it says there is an important message from XBL and i need to go to Account management, but when i do i dont know what to do next, someone help me please.

    Do I smell the revolting stench of self-esteem?
  • 03-05-2006 6:46 PM In reply to

    • BLS BOB
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    Snail [sn] Re: 360 issues

    I had the same problem, but after downloading that thing the emulator gave me my HALO2 works fine..... but it has longer loading times. P.S. It might take a couple of try's.

    Get your own Gamercard Sig.
  • 03-06-2006 8:21 PM In reply to

    • MmCark
    • Top 25 Contributor
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    Re: 360 issues

    Yeah, the parental controls are giving you trouble.  You need to load your 360 without the game, go to the Family Settings option in your dashboard and then change your live setting to play all xbox games.  While you are in those settings I recommend you look around and change anything else that you feel needs to be changed.
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