
Black Label Suicides

Whos going to be in the Halo 2 squad for BLS?

Last post 10-30-2004 1:32 PM by ScubaSteve12318. 18 replies.
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  • 10-27-2004 3:47 AM In reply to

    • Angel
    • Top 25 Contributor
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    • Fall River, Massachusetts
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    Re: Whos going to be in the Halo 2 squad for BLS?

    In my personal opinion I think Halo 2 should be the last in the series. Let's face it when games start getting this good it's all downhill from there. It's hard to keep a series strong over a long period of time without it getting stale. Some series should just end on a high not. I have already heard people talking about MGS3 and saying it's getting lame (Come on, you change into tree camo, hug a tree, and suddenly the guards loose 10000000000 brain cells, that seems shady). And let's face the facts that goldeneye 2 is going to suck. EA is rushing that game out like it's on fucking fire in thier offices.

    Given if they had all the time the needed to make Halo 3, and make it good, I would be all for it.
  • 10-27-2004 4:18 AM In reply to

    Re: Whos going to be in the Halo 2 squad for BLS?

    I agree w/ Gojira on that Angle, I mean not all games go down hill after the sequal, I mean look at Resident Evil! How many games were created after the 1st one???  A lot! Now I know you might say, "well thats was only one game," but look what game we are talking about here, HALO, which is, in MY opinion, the best videogame of all time!


    "True love is hard to find, sometimes you think you have true love then you catch the early flight home from San Diego, and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blind folded like a god damn magic show and ready to double team your girlfriend and," "It stops right there, and I think what my good friend Mitch is trying to say is, true love is blind."

    -Old School
  • 10-27-2004 7:29 PM In reply to

    • Angel
    • Top 25 Contributor
    • Joined on 07-15-2004
    • Fall River, Massachusetts
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    Re: Whos going to be in the Halo 2 squad for BLS?

    Resident Evil (original and Gc remake), and Resident Evil 2 were great. But 3, Code verionica, and zero pretty much sucked. But so far Resident Evil 4 looks phenomenal.

    But like I said, if you are going to do a sequel, you better do it right!
  • 10-30-2004 1:32 PM In reply to

    Re: Whos going to be in the Halo 2 squad for BLS?

    true, but Im sure even if Halo 2 sucked, which it wont, but, you would still would rent or buy Halo 3, right?

    "True love is hard to find, sometimes you think you have true love then you catch the early flight home from San Diego, and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blind folded like a god damn magic show and ready to double team your girlfriend and," "It stops right there, and I think what my good friend Mitch is trying to say is, true love is blind."

    -Old School
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