Recorded on Monday August 20th, 2007.
I learned a lot from putting together this episode. Make sure your levels on your mics are correct B0bbyHell likes to mute and unmute his mic all the fucking time Don't ever commit to editing something out of a podcast See 1, 2 and 3 as reason why...
Here's the first attempt at a BLS Podcast. We discuss Shadowrun, GHII and upcoming games. Links from the show: BOHICA: MS Smashes Piggy Bank To Secure GTA IV Episodic... from Kotaku GHII guitar gets peed on, Harmonix to the rescue! from Xbox 360 Fanboy...
Ubisoft announce a new game in the Tom Clancy universe, EndWar. EndWar will be a strategy game set in a futuristic version of World War III. Set on the battlefields of World War III, Tom Clancy’s EndWar will push the envelope of technology, showcasing...
Microsoft has posted Details about the Spring 2007 Dashboard update on Xbox.com, rumored to be released on May 7th. One of the big additions is the integration of Windows Live Messenger, a dedicated blade for Marketplace, tweaks to the friends list and...
Rainbow Six Vegas got a patch this week. It looks like they were trying to balance the weapons and fixed a few bugs. A little to late though. Here is the details from the UBI forums. Bug Fixes: > Optimized the network replication of custom faces. You...
Ubisoft has announce that Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter 2 has gone gold and will be on store shelfs on March 8, next Thursday. What ever happen to games coming out on Tuesdays? I understand that they may ship it on Tuesday, but can they sell it on Wendnesday...
Ubisoft released some details about the downloadable content pack coming in March for Rainbow Six Vegas. There will be three new multiplayer maps. Doscala Restaurant - This well-known Italian restaurant is located in the heart of Las Vegas, near the famous...
Following up the 2006 platinum seller Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (GRAW), Ubisoft brings the sequel GRAW2, with more of what fans loved about the original with 12 single player missions, 14 multiplayer maps, and a 6 mission coop campaign. You are...
LT BOBSLED and DarkPredator202 have been promoted to Sergeant. Congratulation to our new sergeants. We also have three new gamers applying to be in the clan. ALHAN , J KiDD 32 , and lazl0w . Make sure to add them to your friends list and invite them into...
What: A Rainbow Six Vegas 2v2 Team Survival Tournament When: Dec 23 at 1:30pm EST Where: Xbox Live Who: This tournament is open to everyone. Up to 16 Teams of two (If we fill up I will keep a list of alternates to fill in the spots for no shows). You...
The dev's on UBIsoft's Rainbow Six forum have posted a list of fixes for the upcoming Rainbow Six Vegas patch. Of interest to our clan is the removal of Proxy chat for team based games and the fix of the voice glitch when joining a session in...
Microsoft and Bungie are getting ready for a massive beta test of Halo 3. Sign up starts on Monday, Dec 4th at http://www.halo3.com .
I finally got around to updating the web site. There a lot of new features and more coming. I still have not had a chance to update the graphic design. We are currently using a slightly modified version of the default theme that comes with Community Server...