
Black Label Suicides

Multiplayer Settings and Options

Last post 11-03-2004 10:35 PM by ZillaGod. 0 replies.
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  • 11-03-2004 10:35 PM

    • ZillaGod
    • Top 25 Contributor
    • Joined on 07-19-2004
    • Long Beach, New York
    • Posts 399
    • General

    Multiplayer Settings and Options

    Okay. The game has tons of stuff, so I might miss some of it.

    Heres are option that can be changed for every game type:

    Match options
    -Number of Rounds
    -Score to win round
    -Round time limit
    -Rounds reset map (Turn this off, and when you start the next round, all damage done to the map will still be there; very cool IMO)
    -Resolve ties

    Player options
    -Max Active players
    -lives per round
    -respawn time
    -suicide penalty
    -shield type (Normal, no shields, over shields)
    -motion sensor
    -active camo
    -extra damage (makes all the players deal more damage)
    -damge resistance (makes all the players tougher)

    Team options
    -Team play (on, off)
    -team scoring (min, max, sum)
    -team changing
    -friendly fire
    -respawn time modifier
    -betrayal penalty
    -force even teams

    Vehicle options
    -vehicle respawn time
    -primary light vehicle
    -secondary light vehicle
    -primary heavy vehicle
    -primary turret
    -secondary turret

    Equipment options
    -starting weapon
    -secondary weapon
    -starting grenades
    -weapons on map
    -weapon respawn time
    -grenades on map
    -active camoflage

    Here are additional option found for each gametype:

    Slayer options
    -bonus points
    -suicide point loss
    -death point loss

    King of the hill options
    -uncontested hill
    -moving hill
    -team time multiplier
    -extra damage
    -damage resistance
    -active camo on hill

    Oddball options
    -ball count
    -ball hit damage
    -speed with ball
    -toughness with ball
    -active camo with ball
    -vehicle operation
    -ball indicator

    Juggernaut options
    -betrayal point loss
    -juggernaut extra damage
    -juggernaut infinite ammo
    -juggernaut overshield
    -juggernaut active camo
    -juggernaut motion sensor
    -juggernaut movement
    -juggernaut damage resistance

    Capture the flag options
    -flag type
    -sudden death
    -flag at home to score
    -flag touch return
    -flag reset time
    -slow with flag
    -flag hit damage
    -damage resistance
    -active camo
    -vehicle operation
    -flag indicator

    Assault options
    -bomb type
    -enemy bomb indicator
    -sudden death
    -bomb touch return
    -bomb reset time
    -bomb arm time
    -sticky arming
    -slow with bomb
    -bomb hit damage
    -damage resistance
    -active camo
    -vehicle operation

    Territories options
    -territory count
    -contest time
    -control time

    These option can be quickly changed before a match starts, and arent saved. If you close the game and come back, the options are back at their original state

    Quick options
    -score to win round
    -round time limit
    -starting weapon
    -weapons on map
    -motion sensor
    -bonus points
    -starting greandes
    -secondary weapon
    -max active players
    -primary light vehicle
    -pirmary heavy vehicle

    Loyal till' death
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