Car, you've got it dead on the nose as far as that being possibly the WORST day for a console launch as far as buying one, second only to Christmas Eve...
However, that's probably the single BEST day to actually SELL them, as Day-after-T-Day has THE highest traffic for any retailer, and that single day nets most retailers between 10-25% of their YEARLY sales.
My fear is the rumor/fact that they've only got 3 retailers "launching" the system...either the number of consoles they're putting out there is so limited it's not even funny/fathomable, or the three are Best Buy, Gamestop, and EB, the latter two being the SMALLEST physically, and then trying to cram in tons of customers, there not only for the 360, but for the cheaper current systems and games.
Obviously, the launch of this system will be huge, and it will be around Thanksgiving, and MS probably won't announce anything officially until mid/end of this month.
"Caw, caw, *BANG* FUCK I'M DEAD!" - Top Dollar, The Crow
"Physics is like sex: It may yield practical results, but that's not why we do it." - XKCD
God created whiskey to stop the Irish from taking over the word.