
Black Label Suicides

360 Fix to Avoid Disc Scratches

Last post 12-15-2005 5:40 PM by WEAPON X. 2 replies.
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  • 12-15-2005 11:54 AM

    360 Fix to Avoid Disc Scratches

    If you're worry about you 360 scraching your game disk you can install some foam pads inside the DVD drive to prevent scraches.

  • 12-15-2005 3:44 PM In reply to

    Re: 360 Fix to Avoid Disc Scratches

    lmao microsoft sucks balls there reallllly stupid what with the amount of units they let out and now the quality........grrr

    Time is an Illusion, and so is Death.......
  • 12-15-2005 5:40 PM In reply to

    Re: 360 Fix to Avoid Disc Scratches

    Good job CAR! I was going to post this but the board is pretty dead and very few people have a 360.

    Anyway, if you don't want scratches DON'T TIP THE SYSTEM UP WITH THE GAME SPINNING @ 50x ( DUH )

    I have not had 1 single complaint with my 360 ( knock on wood )

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