
Black Label Suicides

Americas Army

Last post 11-03-2004 6:57 PM by PanterasSon. 15 replies.
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  • 10-27-2004 7:46 PM

    Americas Army

    well i just re-downloaded this game and with my updated graphic card its wayyy better. so far im a sharpshooting ranger with full medical training and partial special forces training. anyone who has a decent pc may want to get this game its free from the u.s. army go here to get it free download

  • 10-29-2004 4:32 PM In reply to

    Re: Americas Army

    o- shit im a full fleged member of the special forces now and the new maps and weapon mods are badass. my pre-set weapons are: (a) M-4 with a silencer, 4x scope, and a harris bipod. i use that for the long maps. (b) M-4 with a silencer, M203 grenade launcher and an aimpoint 1x reflex sight for day maps. (c) M-4 with a silencer, a fiber optic 1x scope, and a m203 with flares for my night work. the modded m4 is fucking wicked to use, its a little quiter then the ump and has barely any recoil whatsoever.......Devil     its fun to watch ppl spin in circles as i shoot them from a bush 200 yards away with kit (a) as the bipod raises the accuracy off of the charts with single shots and handles suprisingly well on full-auto. anyone who has this or is going to get it must reach honor 15 and complete the written and physical special force traing to get acces to the mod kits you can also mod your ak and i believe you can with the sniper rifles too but i must check on that 1st

  • 10-29-2004 9:31 PM In reply to

    • Angel
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    Re: Americas Army

    Hey pan, I just downloaded the game (I found a kickass server after about a helf hour of searching, only took me 25 min to dl and a 1/2 hour to install), and you were right man the game kicks ass. I did all of the airborne and normal training courses and am starting the med stuff. after that I'll hit up special forces and It'll be all good.

    I tried it online but man, it was dark, and I got shot alot, it was bad...
  • 10-29-2004 10:02 PM In reply to

    • Gojira
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    Re: Americas Army

    Alright, mine is back up and running, and I recommend to all that DL this game, to install and create a profile in Xfire. Xfire's essentially the friend's list for all of these games. It'll enable you to instantly join a friend's server, join their team, voice chat, etc.

    I've got mine up and running, just need the account names of anybody interested. It also allows for voice-chat servers, but XBL will work better anyway.

    Once there are a couple other people to play with, the teamwork should come naturally, and should make things much easier, especially when it comes to clearing areas. God knows that's the toughest part for somebody covering the flank (a.k.a. me). All of a sudden I turn around and my team's gone...

    My name's gojirasan. Any questions on how the actual Xfire tool works, and just ask. I've played with it since I got off work today (1:30).
    "Caw, caw, *BANG* FUCK I'M DEAD!" - Top Dollar, The Crow

    "Physics is like sex: It may yield practical results, but that's not why we do it." - XKCD

    God created whiskey to stop the Irish from taking over the word.
  • 10-30-2004 6:40 AM In reply to

    Re: Americas Army

    it has alot more grit to it dave, and with that the realism. wihich brings us to the darkness, being as thats the time when we would typically want to hit a target'll get used to it, just watch the good ppl in the room and absorb everything that you can till then n cover!!!!

    o and "V" turns on you NVG
    "U" Reports in


  • 11-02-2004 2:02 PM In reply to

    Re: Americas Army

    I finnaly finnished my sniper and medical training.... I could have sworn I was already a medic but I guess I never did the field training until last night. 

    Anyone having problems with the sniper training (with the bug in 2.2.0) let me know I have a copy of the full install for 2.0.0 that you can download and get past your sniper training.

    I'm starting to get the hang of it...  Last night my friendly fire only wounded my team mate and since I was the medic I went over and healed him.... of course he and I died shortly after that.

    I haven't had a chance to try the sniper weapons online... seems that they are already picked by the time I get into a room.   What's the command to pick up a weapon on the ground? (Damn I need to read the manual)

  • 11-02-2004 2:18 PM In reply to

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    Re: Americas Army

    evertime i loaded it it would stay on the training leevel and seem frozen, min. specs on ur comp 4 this game is ?

    Get one !!! Gamercard Sig.
  • 11-02-2004 2:36 PM In reply to

    • Gojira
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    Re: Americas Army

    Min requirements should be on AA's website.
    "Caw, caw, *BANG* FUCK I'M DEAD!" - Top Dollar, The Crow

    "Physics is like sex: It may yield practical results, but that's not why we do it." - XKCD

    God created whiskey to stop the Irish from taking over the word.
  • 11-02-2004 2:38 PM In reply to

    • Gojira
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    Re: Americas Army

    And I myself completed sniper, Thanks to Car's 2.0.0.. All I need to do now is get my FUCKING honor back up, and I'll be set to rock...

    BTW the M-82A1M IS FUCKING SWEET!!! I used that for the first time online 10 minutes ago, and I got 6 kills...through vehicles etc...

    "Caw, caw, *BANG* FUCK I'M DEAD!" - Top Dollar, The Crow

    "Physics is like sex: It may yield practical results, but that's not why we do it." - XKCD

    God created whiskey to stop the Irish from taking over the word.
  • 11-02-2004 2:46 PM In reply to

    Re: Americas Army

     KINGACE wrote:
    evertime i loaded it it would stay on the training leevel and seem frozen, min. specs on ur comp 4 this game is ?


    Q: What are the recommended system requirements for the Windows 2.2 version?
    A: The recommended requirements for the game are:

  • 3-D graphics card with 128 MB memory and support for hardware transformation and lighting
  • 2.0 GHz processor or equivalent
  • English version of Windows(r) 98/ME/2000/XP Operating System
  • 512 MB RAM
  • 1.62GB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files
  • Quad-speed CD-ROM (600K/sec sustained transfer rate)
  • Windows 98/ME/2000/XP compatible system (including compatible 32-bit drivers for CD-ROM drive, video card, sound card, mouse and keyboard)
  • DirectX(r)8.1
  • DirectX(r)8.1 or higher compatible sound card and drivers*
  • Broadband Network Connection*NVIDIA(r) nForce(tm) or other motherboards/soundcards containing the Dolby(r) Digital Interactive Content Encoder required for Dolby Digital audio
    (Last Updated: 2004-10-19)

    Q: What are the minimum system requirements for the Windows 2.2 version?
    A: The minimum system requirements for the game are:

  • 3-D graphics card with 64 MB memory and support for hardware transformation and lighting
  • 1.3 GHz processor or equivalent
  • English version of Windows(r) 98/ME/2000/XP Operating System
  • 256 MB RAM
  • 1.62GB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files
  • Quad-speed CD-ROM (600K/sec sustained transfer rate)
  • Windows 98/ME/2000/XP compatible system (including compatible 32-bit drivers for CD-ROM drive, video card, sound card, mouse and keyboard)
  • DirectX(r)8.1
  • DirectX(r)8.1 or higher compatible sound card and drivers*
  • 56.6 Kbps modem or higher network connection

    *NVIDIA(r) nForce(tm) or other motherboards/soundcards containing the Dolby(r) Digital Interactive Content Encoder required for Dolby Digital audio
    (Last Updated: 2004-10-19)

  • 11-02-2004 5:00 PM In reply to

    Re: Americas Army

    carsinigin, you can pick-up weapons by hitting the "E" button and discard by hitting "backspace". just keep in mind you can posses 2 weapons at the same time and switch between then using "1" but you cannot throw grenades while carrying 2 weaps. lol theres nothing like having an m249 and a m 82

  • 11-02-2004 5:58 PM In reply to

    Re: Americas Army

    Thanks Pantera...

    I was watching a sniper last night with the M82 and an M16...  He was the only one kicking ass on our team,  I think he must of been waiting for me to die and then picking up my weapon.

  • 11-02-2004 8:12 PM In reply to

    Re: Americas Army

    Damn it I haven't gotten anything done at work today because I'm sitting here thinking about America's Army.  

    I really need to find a job where I can play games all day long and get paid.
  • 11-02-2004 8:38 PM In reply to

    Re: Americas Army

    i think we all need that job car

  • 11-02-2004 8:49 PM In reply to

    Re: Americas Army

    1 hour 15 minutes till I can go home and play AA and start watching the new to findout who our new overlord is going to be...  I hope whoever it is that I don't have to implant a chip somewhere in my body in the name of national security.

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