
Black Label Suicides

On a lighter note...

Last post 11-19-2004 12:20 AM by BCBudd. 50 replies.
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  • 10-23-2004 6:45 PM In reply to

    • delphar7
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    Re: On a lighter note...

    Please educate me on what important G-Dubya has done exactly in the last 20 years so I have a point of comparison.

    Sell me on him instead of being a puerile kid with the name calling. Factual debate, something that is lacking as of late...

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  • 10-23-2004 8:06 PM In reply to

    • Angel
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    Re: On a lighter note...

    I have stated several things of vast impostance in my past two posts (1. He give americans one of the biggest tax cuts in history, and there for making the recession one of the shortest in history. 2. over throwing saddam. just to name a few) but I won't try to convince people to vote on a message board because it just is not going to work.

    And whats with all the canadians telling people to vote kerry?


    lol jk
  • 10-23-2004 8:11 PM In reply to

    • delphar7
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    Re: On a lighter note...

    Sorry i don't remember telling anyone to vote Kerry. Idiot.

    Always will be.
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  • 10-23-2004 9:05 PM In reply to

    • Angel
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    Re: On a lighter note...

    You wanna take this over to the drama board you lil canadian pussy?

    And I was referring to BC talling everyone to vote kerry. was your stupid ass name mentioned?

    No you illiterate mother fucker!
  • 10-24-2004 4:27 AM In reply to

    • delphar7
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    Re: On a lighter note...

     Angel wrote:
    <br /><br />And whats with all the canadians telling people to vote kerry? <br />

    Your statement was generalised at Canadians. I am Canadian. Therefore... You see the logic yet?

    Angel, David Boreanus, Conner... you're an Angry kid. Relax.
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  • 10-24-2004 6:04 PM In reply to

    • Angel
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    Re: On a lighter note...

    I recall you calling me an idiot first. I just aint going to post on this topic anymore.
  • 10-24-2004 6:12 PM In reply to

    • Gojira
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    Re: On a lighter note... more Dave here...maybe now it can become intelligent conversation instead of immature politician can but hope.

    Anyway, I fail to see how removing Saddam from power was something that was necessary, and if it wasn't necessary, how can it be considered good thing. By doing that one action (invading Iraq) without ANY consent from the U.N., Bush has done FAR more damage to foreign policy than any amount of good derived from the removal of, "the evil dictator".

    George W. Bush, the worst president nobody voted
    "Caw, caw, *BANG* FUCK I'M DEAD!" - Top Dollar, The Crow

    "Physics is like sex: It may yield practical results, but that's not why we do it." - XKCD

    God created whiskey to stop the Irish from taking over the word.
  • 10-24-2004 6:17 PM In reply to

    • Gojira
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    Re: On a lighter note...

     Angel wrote:
    You wanna take this over to the drama board you lil canadian pussy?

    And I was referring to BC talling everyone to vote kerry. was your stupid ass name mentioned?

    No you illiterate mother fucker!

    And what's with all the people who call others childish names when given valid, logical arguments/ true testament to the American population...

    I mean, c'mon. At least come up with something original, possibly by using that gray matter between your ears for a change.

    And going back to the "votes Kerry missed" topic, try comparing that number to the average number of missed votes by other'll notice that it's right on's just a big deal because that's (unfortunately) the way politics is handled, find ANYTHING you can to make your opponent look worse than you...what a crock...I'm not voting for Kerry because he's done a better job of bashing Bush than vice-versa. I'm voting for Kerry because of the positive things I feel he can do for our country.

    Why would he want to expand the military...because he wants to fix the mess that Bush made. Our troops are spread too thin, and it'll be a HUGE problem to recall the large percentage at once. Therefore, we need more...IN RESERVE...Unlike Bush, I can't foresee Kerry going out and attacking a coutry that is NO threat to anyone but itself. As far as Domestic issues, THOSE are the focus of Kerry, while Bush is focusing on the foreign affairs. We need to worry about ourselves first, and the rest of the world last.

    Kerry's views support (for the most part) my views. THAT'S why I'm voting for him. I don't agree with ANY of Bush's moves, and THAT'S why I'm NOT voting for him. If Kerry pulls a Bush, and fucks up, I'll vote for the next person I think can do better. You can't tell for certain who'll do a better job as President until you vote them in. If the screw up royally, you can always impeach them if it's truly that bad. That is after all how our system works.
    "Caw, caw, *BANG* FUCK I'M DEAD!" - Top Dollar, The Crow

    "Physics is like sex: It may yield practical results, but that's not why we do it." - XKCD

    God created whiskey to stop the Irish from taking over the word.
  • 10-24-2004 9:50 PM In reply to

    • Angel
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    Re: On a lighter note...

    It's amazing. I know more about politics then you will ever know in the first place. Obviously you have not been following any of the past 3 years of what kerry has done.

    First, He(Kerry) did vote to invade Iraq and then when the democrats needed someone to make a candidate he was the first guy to say it was the wrong decision.

    Second., Kerry doesn't know how to manage his own money so why should we allow him to manage ours. He may say that Bush has done several things wrong when it comes to economic growth but when it comes to fixing it notice that he says he is going to do exactly what Bush is already doing, he's just using different termonology.

    Third, most of our troops will be out of Iraq after January anyways, the elections will be over, and several thousand Iraqi troops will already be trained. Thus allowing use to recall alot of our troops, and making it completely unecessary to expand our armed forces.

    I would go on but I won't because I got to go to work in like 5 minutes anyways.

    Sorry about posting again, it's just that I think Gojira is a fucking moron and don't understand why the unwanted (not by all, but by many) is still posting here.

  • 10-24-2004 10:06 PM In reply to

    Re: On a lighter note...

    Everytime I go outside and see a Bush campain sign I scream "WHY?"  Why the hell would anyone vote for him after seeing what he as done for the last for years.  Hell the first time I heard him speak during the 2000 campain I decided I wouldn't vote for him and up until that point I had always voted republician.  I ended up voting Libertairan in 2000.  I'm about as sick of Bush as Rush Limba was sick of Clinton in 1996.  I would vote 3rd party again this year but I think NC has  chance to go for someone other then Bush so I'm going for Kerry.  Not becuase I like Kerry, but because I hate Bush that much more.

    As far as Kerrys feelings on the war go I was right with him as he felt them.  Athorize the use the force, thinking Bush would go though the UN before using it.  Pissed off at Bush for going to war before giving deplomacy a chance.  Doing a What the Fuck where they thinking when it became obvious that they had not planned to ocupy Iraq after the war.  

    Angel... It really sounds like you have just listen to Bush's stump speach....  You may want to widen your news sources.

  • 10-24-2004 10:52 PM In reply to

    • delphar7
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    Re: On a lighter note...

     Angel wrote:
    I recall you calling me an idiot first. I just aint going to post on this topic anymore.

    Correct sir, I most definately did!

    Yet you still haven't shown much _for_ mr. bush as you have shown _against_ Mr. Kerry. Anger, flustering insults, and Misdirecting sub-facts don't help you. Hence the "idiot" statement.

    NB: On a Lighter note content.
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  • 10-25-2004 3:38 AM In reply to

    • Angel
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    Re: On a lighter note...

    I actually watch the Fox News Channel about 3 hours a day (on average, I work alot so...), but besides the point. The only reason I am voting for Bush is just because of the fact the Kerry doesn't know what the hell he is doing. I mean have you heard the guy speak. He talks big about what he is going to do if he gets elected but doesn't give an explanation of how he will accomplish it. And as I said before, he says one thing one day, and then the next day says something else. I hate the damn term "flip flopper" but I have never seen anybody change there mind so much.

    First he says he wants to get out of Iraq, then a month later he says he is going to stay in Iraq and follow Bush's plan but expand our armed forces by 200,000 but he doesn't explain how he is going to expand it without a draft. And I think we have all heard the "I will not raise taxes, but I will raise taxes to the people at the top of the income bracket." What's that crap?!?!? So people that go out and work hard for a living get to look at what they make and feel screwed, but lazy bastards don't do shit keep getting more money? That's bullshit in my book.

    You know I keep hearing that democrats are all for the rights of people, but they are the first to take money right out of the paychecks of people and tell them "No you aren't smart enough to touch this, we'll take it and use it for you." Fuck that dude. Not to mention that people are all bent on the war in Iraq, WTF is there to be worried about, the middle east is already fucked up as it is, I don't think us being there will do anymore harm. Let's face it before we were there people were getting blown more than they are now, not to mention we are taking out terrorists that were hiding in and around Iraq, in my book that counts as helping the war on terror. And as for not being as diplomatic as we should have been before going into Iraq, I recall UN weapons inspectors being there for months getting the run around looking for WMD's, and bio weapons. We also gave him (saddam) several oppertunities to destroy the weapons that he shouldnt have had and he didn't so why the hell should we have said "Ok Saddam, keep your weapons, we'll go do other stuff now so don't worry about us being on your back." I just think of it as one less asshole we have to look out for in the future.

    well I am going to get back to playing halo later all....
  • 10-25-2004 4:45 AM In reply to

    • Gojira
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    Re: On a lighter note...

    And it's republicans with the attitude, "Let's reduce taxes...which are responsible for ALL the things the government does". Do you realize that Tax cut after tax cut is BAD for the economy? There are two times of the year that are the greatest for the economy. The Christmas season, and the time right around spring. Why Spring? OH YEAH!! TAX REFUNDS!! The refund is that which the government figures it doesn't need. In the meantime, between each refund period, the government uses that money for just about everything it does. Tax cuts are just a "get myself elected" tool. You also seem to be contradicting yourself...How will we feel screwed if the upper bracketed incomes get increased taxes? I don't know about you, but that wouldn't affect me in the slightest, so unless you make more than 6 figures a year, which, by working at Game Crazy, I doubt you do, why the FUCK should you care?

    As far as the whole WMD thing, again...You don't seem to realize that since the U.N. sanctions were imposed, everybody forgot about Iraq. Why? Because it was no longer a threat. If Saddam didn't comply, he didn't get ANYTHING he needed from the outside world. Now, what again was one of the Bush has done right? Okay, so he has us invade Iraq and remove the threat of Saddam Hussein. There wasn't a "threat of Saddam Hussein" until, oh yeah, he got the U.N. to lift the sanctions!! Once the sanctions were lifted, Saddam then had the potential for going back to what he was doing before, and though we didn't have ANY proof, we used this as the excuse to avenge Daddy. The first Bush got his ass so royally FUCKED by Saddam, and was SO outplayed, GW, now in power and under the influence of the SAME administration, needed to exact revenge. The thing that REALLY gets me is this. Why did we hit Iraq, instead of North Korea, which we, and the rest of the world, know for a FACT has WMD's, namely Nuclear weapons, and manufacturing capabilities.

    Another thing you (republicans in general) don't seem to realize is the fact that while the actual action of invading Iraq may not have adversely affected that individual country, it has RUINED many of our foreign relations, and put an INSANE amount of strain on the rest. What we've done, is essentially said, "It's okay to invade another country as long as they pose a potential threat to you or ANYONE else, and that threat need not be imminent, or even remotely likely." In theory, if anybody decides to invade or attack us, we have not right to bitch about it.

    Now, make comments about these points, with NEW points. You keep saying the same three things over and over.
    1: Kerry's a fucking idiot who can't make up his mind, and hasn't done anything for our country in his whole political career.
    2: Kerry wants to expand the military by 200,000 troops, but doesn't know how he's going to do it without a draft.
    3: The war in Iraq was a necessary part of the war on terror, and Bush has done everything right in siad war.
    Granted, it may be a little difficult to do so, when you're, like Del said, an idiot, especially when you watch Fox news, which is entirely regurgitated, twisted, and misinformed news, given to us by a, go figure, a large company which would serve VERY well under another four years of Bush. Notice how Fox got a lot of exclusives on most of the things that have been taking place? Half of the information Fox news spits out unsubstantiated speculation, and "reasonable guessin". Hmm...

    Also, in the personal area, how exactly do you work so much, buy EVERY new game, PLAY all of said games on top of the amount of time you supposedly spend on Halo, watch said bullshit-news-station for 3+ hours EVERY DAY, and still manage to get ANY sleep? Or do you not sleep, and that's why your arguments are repetitive and bogus?
    "Caw, caw, *BANG* FUCK I'M DEAD!" - Top Dollar, The Crow

    "Physics is like sex: It may yield practical results, but that's not why we do it." - XKCD

    God created whiskey to stop the Irish from taking over the word.
  • 10-25-2004 12:12 PM In reply to

    • delphar7
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    Re: On a lighter note...




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  • 10-25-2004 5:50 PM In reply to

    • Angel
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    Re: On a lighter note...

    Wow obviously Gojira has no time management skills. First off I don't play every new game that comes out, I play every GOOD new game that comes out. In the past 2 weeks I have played and beaten BloodRayne 2, Kingdom Under Fire, Men of Valor, and Midway Arcade Treasures 2 (Can't really beat it but I had a grand ol time playing MKII, MK3, and that stupid 3D looking driving game). Plus you have to remember that I work at Game Crazy, the past few nights that the Red Sox have been on the store has been dead, so I just play some Halo againt customers, or Donkey Konga (that game rulez!)

    Second thing, I only usually work about 5 hours a day (usually 5-10 p.m.), What gets me by is the fact that I work Sundays for about 7 hours, while making time and a 1/2.  

    Third, I watch the news whenever I am in my living room, usually at around 2-5 p.m. and when I get home from work. Everyone has different opinions and I'll be the first to say Bush is a pretty big fuck up, but if he gets elected at least I know what I am in for, every time I see Kerry it's like he has a big ? on his face. I'll go and vote and see how this whole thing turns out.

    It's a week till the elctions so let's just chill and watch what happens...

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