
Black Label Suicides

On a lighter note...

Last post 11-19-2004 12:20 AM by BCBudd. 50 replies.
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  • 10-15-2004 6:31 PM

    • BCBudd
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    On a lighter note...

    Just wanna remind all youse guys to register to vote, Bush...out of office.
  • 10-15-2004 8:58 PM In reply to

    Re: On a lighter note...

  • 10-15-2004 9:26 PM In reply to

    • Gojira
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    Re: On a lighter note...

    Holy SHIT dude, I love it!!
    "Caw, caw, *BANG* FUCK I'M DEAD!" - Top Dollar, The Crow

    "Physics is like sex: It may yield practical results, but that's not why we do it." - XKCD

    God created whiskey to stop the Irish from taking over the word.
  • 10-16-2004 10:52 AM In reply to

    • BCBudd
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    Re: On a lighter note...

    Encore fantastic linkYes
  • 10-16-2004 2:27 PM In reply to

    Re: On a lighter note...

    The best polictical bummer sticker I've seen this year says "Re-Defeat Bush 2004"
  • 10-18-2004 11:20 PM In reply to

    Re: On a lighter note...

  • 10-19-2004 4:23 AM In reply to

    • delphar7
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    Re: On a lighter note...

    Who's the terrorist? I'm confused....
    I'm a Goldmember!
  • 10-19-2004 4:29 AM In reply to

    • delphar7
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    Re: On a lighter note...

    Just takes a few bad apples to spoil the whole bunch...

    I'm a Goldmember!
  • 10-19-2004 12:29 PM In reply to

    • Gojira
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    Re: On a lighter note...

    Okay, after watching the video and reading those letters, I don't even like us at this point...not like I was very FAR from this state, however...

    Did anybody else notice that the large percent of those responses to the Guardian were full of nothing but insults and a "shut-the-fuck-up" attitude?

    Bush and Co. have said we must stop those who spread hate and fear, SO many times, I find myself wondering how ANYONE could possibly sit there and vote for them...They're spreading just as much if not MORE than just about anybody else in the rest of the world...Then again, look back at those letters, and it makes sense...

    With Bush in office, America sucks...

    ...more than usual, at least...
    "Caw, caw, *BANG* FUCK I'M DEAD!" - Top Dollar, The Crow

    "Physics is like sex: It may yield practical results, but that's not why we do it." - XKCD

    God created whiskey to stop the Irish from taking over the word.
  • 10-20-2004 5:36 PM In reply to

    • Angel
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    Re: On a lighter note...

    Wow... everyones all on the poilitics.

    I'm still voting for Bush though. You have to admit he kinda got the shit end of the stick in office (Recession, WTC attacks, he had to follow up to a guy people loved so much they didn't even care when he fucked someone other then his wife in the oval office, and he even had an anti-american faggot who lives in america make a documentary against him), but even more besides the point, Kerry is a freaking moron.

    Can you name one significant thing he has done while he has been involved in politics? Probably not since he hasn't done shit. He is a fucking pre-slacker generation slacker. He can't even do his job right now (see how many votes he's missed) and how the fuck is he supposed to run the country if he doesn't even fucking vote to change it now.

    Let's face it Bush may have rushed into Iraq (It would have been nice to wait a little longer to build allies, but the fucking UN is slow as shit and noone liked us at the time anyways, our country was like the slow kid that had to ride the little bus to school after 9/11), but we did get rid of a terrorist and some WMD's, freed millions of people, and secured an oil rich ally (We may be paying out the ass now but wait a year or two when the country is stable and u'll be happy). Not to mention Bush gave people one of the biggest tax cuts in history. I'll admit that I am not 100% pro Bush, the guy did pork us by sending most of our business over seas, pretty much screwing the economy for a while, but hey noone's perfect.

    Well, I got work to do so I'll end my rant now...
  • 10-20-2004 7:45 PM In reply to

    • Gojira
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    Re: On a lighter note...

    What one does in their private life is just that...PRIVATE. Compare that one mistake to the many good things Clinton did for the U.S., and it doesn't even come CLOSE to balancing out...remember how they tried to impeach him on that, but it was decided that there wasn't enough wrongdoing in that one act to throw him out of office?

    As far as Bush getting stuck with the recession, that's bullshit. Bush, for the most part, CAUSED the recession by all the outsourcing. Fact: When Bush entered office, the U.S. had a $5 trillion SURPLUS, from 8 years of Clinton. In 4 years of Bush, he's SPENT $8 trillion. On what? A "war on terror" that got practically forgot about when we decided to link it to Hussein, whose country we invaded under the pretense of "World Safety", yet the whole bloody thing wasn't sanctioned by ANY other (relatively) major country aside from Great Brittain...

    The WTC attacks were tragic...AT THE TIME!! It's been 3 years for Christ's sake, let the damn thing go. The reason it still strikes a chord with so many Americans, is because CERTAIN politicians keep using it as a reason for EVERYTHING we're doing right now.

    As for Iraq's "WMD's", there was never any positive evidence of Sadam having any, or even developing them, like Bush and Co. said. More and more evidence comes out saying there hasn't been any weapons R&D in Iraq since THE EARLY 90's!! Also, how many times have we heard from various sources, that there's NO evidence of Hussein being linked to any "terrorist faction" aside from his own twisted government.

    While I think, like many others, that Hussein wasn't running his country "properly", this is coming from a Judeo-Christian (probably didn't spell that right...), western, "American" school of thought, where we have to put our nose in everyone else's business. Did it ever occur that one reason why a large portion of the world thinks so poorly of us, is for just that fact? For some reason, we feel that our way's the right way, and there shouldn't be ANY other way of doing it. Democracy WILL NOT work in some countries. We keep trying to force our ideals onto everyone else, trying to make more United States of whatever, and in the meantime, piss off those we're, "trying to help"...

    Personally, I think the U.S. should just worry about itself, build the economy back up, only deal with "evil doers" who DIRECTLY threaten us, or one of our allies (which we seem to be running out of...hmmmm...). Maybe then, we wouldn't be quite possibly the most hated country in the world. And when we do have to deal with a hostile situation, perhaps we shold try to use DIPLOMACY for a change, and try it seriously, not the U.N bullshit we went through.

    "Okay, we'll wait for you all to make up your mi-....wait no, we'll just go now. Who wants to kick some ass!! ...Anyone? Oh well, HER WE GO U.S., HERE WE GO!!"

    This is just how I feel, while I'm cognizant, and not posting when dead tired like my earlier, "america sucks" post...that wasn't coherent thought on my part, so I apologize for that.

    lol, so much for "a lighter note", huh? [^o)] Then again, that's politics for ya...
    "Caw, caw, *BANG* FUCK I'M DEAD!" - Top Dollar, The Crow

    "Physics is like sex: It may yield practical results, but that's not why we do it." - XKCD

    God created whiskey to stop the Irish from taking over the word.
  • 10-21-2004 4:05 AM In reply to

    • delphar7
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    Re: On a lighter note...

    I vote this thread be moved to drama so I can shoot holes in Conner...

    And I believe the war cry was "Let's Roll" not "here we Go" Good Ol' Optimus Prime eh?

    And as a general statement to all reading this thread. Do alot of research and study BOTH cantidates. There are pros and cons to each/any situation. Many before and currently have the wool pulled over their eyes.


    ps: Make an educated vote, not a blind faith vote... Or even a lesser of two evils vote... Seriously. As Diddy says: Vote or Die!
    I'm a Goldmember!
  • 10-21-2004 7:12 PM In reply to

    Re: On a lighter note...

    I thought this was supposed to be "on a lighter note" Big Smile
  • 10-22-2004 1:18 AM In reply to

    • Gojira
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    Re: On a lighter note...

    I don't think Bush is a good president, but I can't be sure Kerry would be much better...but Kerry having the possibility of being slightly better is just about enough for me to vote for him...ALMOST...
    "Caw, caw, *BANG* FUCK I'M DEAD!" - Top Dollar, The Crow

    "Physics is like sex: It may yield practical results, but that's not why we do it." - XKCD

    God created whiskey to stop the Irish from taking over the word.
  • 10-22-2004 6:17 PM In reply to

    • Angel
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    Re: On a lighter note...

    I hate to impose but there were WMD's found all over Iraq. The reason nobody talks about them though is because they weren't "nuclear". Thousands of pounds of deadly gas were found all over the country, not to mention over 15 types of other weapons he wasn't supposed to have in the first place (Thanks for getting rid of those weapons Saddam). Heck, while we were invading the country he fired SCUD missiles at us, again which he said he didn't have. The guy was a blatant liar and a terrorist in my eyes, several intelligence agencies said that he had "the potential to develop nuclear WMD's" if he didn't already have them. But even besides the point, that's one less evil dictator we have to deal with in the future, and one less problem the world has.

    As for the Recession, and the shithead Clinton, take a look back into late 1999-2001. While Clinton was leaving office the economy was starting to go down, and the recession was beginning. Now in 2002 the recession was in full swing andby 2004 it was pretty much gone. In my book 2 years is a fucking short recession and it's getting better day by day.

    Kerry is a moron. Yeah, you heard me, the guy hasn't done anything important in the 20 years he has had his position now he magically wants to be president. FUCK THAT. The guy can barely tie his shoes and spends 10k on a fucking designer tie, imagine what he's going to do with your money. Let's not even mention the fact that his thoughts on what to do with the country change every time the wind blows. He also want to expand our military by 200,000 troops but doesn't know how he is going to get them without a draft. He says he doesn't want to raise taxes by 90% of what he wants to do involves raising taxes.

    This is why I hate liberal democrats.... NO BALLS AND NO FUCKING BRAINS!!!
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