
Black Label Suicides

X-Men Legends

Last post 11-04-2004 1:27 AM by J Buddah. 8 replies.
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  • 10-26-2004 12:30 AM

    • J Buddah
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    X-Men Legends

    anyone have this game yet?.. i bought it and think its pretty damn sweet.. they finally brought out a x-men game worth buying.. if anyone else has it let me know what you think.. and i might have a couple of questions to ask if i need help later on..
    Leader of BLSFH

    The MiGhTy FrOsT-izzle
  • 10-26-2004 2:30 PM In reply to

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    Re: X-Men Legends

    oi ya i got it matey luv it havent played in over a week cuz im still messin wit fable but it is an excellent game any question i can answer let me know.[8-|]

    Get one !!! Gamercard Sig.
  • 10-26-2004 7:50 PM In reply to

    • J Buddah
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    Re: X-Men Legends

    sweet.. hey king don't know if anyone has told you or if you've read it anywhere but this is assassin.. dude.. have you gotten to the toad fight??.. my shit keeps freezing when he does the move tongue lash.. it pisses me off
    Leader of BLSFH

    The MiGhTy FrOsT-izzle
  • 10-27-2004 3:17 AM In reply to

    • Angel
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    Re: X-Men Legends

    Hmmm.. freezing. I know it goes into slow mo mode when he does it but that's just a cool effect.

    oh well
  • 10-27-2004 3:25 PM In reply to

    Re: X-Men Legends


       Great game, it took me 29 hours to beat. If you have any Q's let me know.


  • 10-27-2004 7:50 PM In reply to

    • J Buddah
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    Re: X-Men Legends

    alright weapon.. long time no see.. i'll ask you if i have any questions.. when i get the game replaced..
    Leader of BLSFH

    The MiGhTy FrOsT-izzle
  • 10-29-2004 4:31 PM In reply to

    • J Buddah
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    Re: X-Men Legends

    ok.. how the hell do i get through the damn sewer lvl.. way to many damn morlocks down there..
    Leader of BLSFH

    The MiGhTy FrOsT-izzle
  • 11-01-2004 2:05 PM In reply to

    Re: X-Men Legends


             Are you at the spot were you are searching for Marrow?
    Did you already talk to the town elder?

    Yes, the Morlocks are pretty tough. If you need to level up your X-men some, go to the Danger Room and complete some of the training exercises!

  • 11-04-2004 1:27 AM In reply to

    • J Buddah
    • Top 25 Contributor
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    • Brunswick, OH
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    Re: X-Men Legends

    yeah.. i've figured out a good team for the morlock mission.. but i think i will need to lvl up my xmen.. still getting killed.. just not as fast now..
    Leader of BLSFH

    The MiGhTy FrOsT-izzle
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