I picked up the vision cam this weekend, I know frobro has one does anyone else?
I'm sure you all saw this already. Here is a Video explaining a few of the new PEC features in RB6:Vegas.
WTF?!?!? I thought it was common knowledge that PEC mode was what made lockdown suck ass. I don't want a persistant world in my FPS tactical shooters. Unlocking a couple weapons by doing something difficult ...
We're just busy playing games, eating, working, sleeping, schooling, napping and drinking.
Gamefly or something like it is the way to go. I think it's saved me a couple hundred bucks in game money, plus if you really like a game you can buy it from them and get a good discount.
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Lego Spiderman tricking iT 2
And for your viewing pleasure:
What people with artistic skill and lots of free time do to their Xbox 360
ApertureScience is live as a viral teaser site for Portal, Valve's
upcoming Source-engine puzzle shooter. Get started by typing "login", picking a
username, and using "portal" as the password. Then remember your old DOS
commands and check out the nuttiness.
It's on the list of backwards compatible games. I tried it a while back and it didn't work, I had to drag out my old xbox. But they patched since then so it may work.
It's more realistic then crimson skys. It really looks like a flight simulator that's had all the boring parts stripped out. It's a challenge that's for sure.
Anyone up for some dogfighting?