
Black Label Suicides

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  • XBL

    Well the forums have been dead for quite some time, so in an effort to end that, I figured to ask every1 what there favorite xbox360 game was for Xbox Live... I was gunna make this a poll but I dont know how.... 1. Gears of War 2. Rainbow Six Vegas 3. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 1or 2 4. Other: ___________
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by ScubaSteve12318 on 06-08-2007
  • Do you have Graw2?

    GRAW 2 is out now. Who's going to be playing it? [Poll]
    Posted to Game Discussion (Forum) by Carsinigin on 03-08-2007
  • Spilter Cell Double Agent

    Well the demo is out and the game should be on store shelfs today or tomorrow. I've played a few rounds on the demo, mostly on the spy side, and it looks like they have made a few changes for the good and a lot of changes for the bad. I like that's it's 3v3 now and the graphics are very nice...
    Posted to Game Discussion (Forum) by Carsinigin on 10-17-2006
  • Will KingAce ever get an Xbox 360?

    KINGACE: lol i should definitely have one by the end of sept,sorry i havent been on much spendin a lot of time wit da kidz[cuz when iget that 360........} Sorry to Pick on you King but I've got to test out the new forums: [Poll]
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Carsinigin on 08-27-2006
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